My Signature Fro

Over the years I’ve tried countless hairstyles - from braidouts to twistouts and even bantu knots but what constantly remains the same is my fro. Being natural is a lot of work (how ironic), I wash my hair once a week and restyle it 3-4 times a week. Wash days can take up to 3 hours for me and styling can take up to an hour, therefore I’m always looking for more efficient ways to do my hair and achieve my desired look without losing the effectiveness. Through trial and error came my current routine. Wash days that use to take me 3+ hours now takes me 1.5 hours including styling. Styling alone takes me 20-30mins to do. Check out my step by step routine below featuring the BEST curly hair products.
A few months ago CURLS released their Blueberry Bliss Collection which I was excited to try out. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and E and vitamin B complex. Vitamin C is essential for healthy, strong, break resistant hair. Without adequate vitamin C, your hair is prone to breakage and thinning. Also the proanthocyanidins found in blueberries cause the hair follicle cells to grow much faster than usual. Lastly, Vitamin B helps increase hair growth by improving oxygenation and circulation of blood in the scalp.
I first start by rinsing my hair in warm water to open my hair cuticle then I begin washing my hair with the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash. This sulfate free hair wash softens, hydrates, and encourages a healthy scalp and hair growth without over drying. Make sure you shake it up real good before applying. To focus the solution on your scalp pour some into a container with a concentrated nozzle. Rinse with warm water and repeat if needed.
Deep Conditioning & Detangling
Now here is where things get fun. I shaved about an hour off of my wash day routine by deep conditioning and detangling my hair at the same damn time!
First I section my hair into four sections and starting in the back I apply the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask. This deep conditioner prevents breakage, repairs damage and enhances growth. Once all four sections have been thoroughly saturated I apply a plastic cap and let it sit on my hair for 15 mins while I take care of business in the shower. Once that’s done, I remove the plastic cap and starting in the back again I begin detangling my hair; I apply coconut oil to each section to help with the detangling process. Once done, I rinse one final time with cool water to close my cuticle and seal all that moisture in. I love this method of washing my hair because not only does it cut time but I’m also letting the deep conditioner really penetrate my hair shaft thanks to the steam in the shower.
Keeping my hair in the same sections from the previous step I wrap my hair in a t-shirt to soak up the excess water for about 10 mins or so. Then starting in the back I spritz it with some water to add a little moisture just in case that section is too dry.
Next I follow up with the Blueberry Bliss Curl Control Jelly which defines, defrizzes, and offers great hold all while being glycerin free; which is a major key when it's humid outside. (Check out my previous post on why here)
Lastly I seal everything in with the Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil which is proven to grow, repair, protect, and restore damaged hair. It includes oils such as coconut, jojoba, avocado, and argan.
Once all the products have been applied I then take medium sections of hair and begin twisting.
After twisting I then apply a white perm rod to each twist.
Once completed I have 14-18 twists/perm rods in total. I let it dry and set overnight and that’s it! If you're interested in trying this collection you can find it at select Target locations and at
In the morning I remove all the perm rods and thoroughly separate each twist and pick it out until I get my desired style, and that’s how I achieve my signature fro! You can check out the full video of this routine below.
In honor of CURLS introducing two of the Blueberry Bliss Collection stylers at Sally's they have a BOGO event going on starting today 9/1.
DETAILS: Purchase two of the Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection items at Sally Beauty and receive the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash AND the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask for FREE!!!!
IT'S EASY AS 1, 2, 3!
1. Snap a pic of yourself with your products and your receipt - taken in your local Sally's Store.
2. Email it to
3. Post your pic and tag with #FRIZZFREECURLS and #CURLSxSALLYS.
CURLS will expedite your FREE items upon receipt and email you your tracking number.
Kia Marie, also known as The Notorious K.I.A. is a creative & entrepreneur living in NYC.